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Your generosity sustains our churches and supports our work in the community.

Why give?


We receive no government funding. We depend on the generosity of parishioners.


It helps our cashflow hugely if you plan your giving and if possible donate by monthly standing order or direct debit. If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill in a Gift Aid form (available from the Church office).


Consider what you can give financially each year. This will be different for each of us, but God asks us each to be generous according to our means.


Your financial giving helps us to make Jesus known. 

You can make an online donation today through our Give A Little page 

Giving through your bank

Thank you for giving to the work of the Benefice. If you would like to give to one of the churches then the bank details are found below.


St Katharine's Church, Holt

St Katharine’s PCC of Holt
Sort code: 30 98 75
A/C: 01525597


St Mary's Church, Broughton Gifford

Broughton Gifford PCC
Sort code:  40 44 33
A/C: 51168657


All Saints Church, Great Chalfield

PCC of Great Chalfield
Sort code:  30 98 75
A/C: 02075099

Talk about giving

Do you want to discuss how you can support our churches? Speak to us on a Sunday, our get in touch through our Contact form

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